Rivière sale
2020 Collaboration


With the partially confessed aim of seeing heteronormativity choke on an unfortunate wrong turn, Rivière Sale offers a shareable zone for the exploration of desires and fantasies. The sensitive and offbeat staging of the intimate and singular experiences of its two authors and performers, one woman and one man, aims to open possibilities for a sensual imagination beyond the boundaries of gender, norms, and sexual performance.

In a space expanded by sound and music, narratives and bodies unfold, translating together the fragility, power, and joy of a sexuality reinventing itself.

Authors, Performance Élisa Monteil, Raphaël Mouterde
Composition Raphaël Mouterde
External Perspective Rébecca Chaillon
Lighting Design Jérôme Bertin
Stage Management Suzanne Péchenart
Technical Devices Design Cyril Menauge
Clay Body Dramaturgy Matthieu Hocquemiller
Construction Hafid Chouaf

Coproduction National Scene of Orléans, La Péniche La Pop, Le Nouveau Gare au Théâtre Supports Emmetrop, Das plateau Les Ullis With the participation of DICRéAM